DIgSILENT PowerFactory questions & answers

Analyzes grid interaction and provides advanced modelling
Question by sato
November 6, 2016

I am working on a project to do the dynamic analysis using Digsilent PowerFactory, and I did not know how to build the generic model for the generators. Can you help me to create the generic models and tell me what are the needed parameters?

Stephen Prastman
Answer by Stephen Prastman

The only thing that I have found regarding the Digisilent PowerFactory is a tutorial that provides information on how to use the software. You can download the file through the link posted below.

I've also used other search engines to look for data regarding the dynamic analysis, but I couldn't find any.

For official information: http://www.digsilent.de/index.php/products-powerfactory.html

Question by Sourov Ghosh
June 5, 2016
Answer by Alex Urbach

I've checked various information and found out that the PowerFactory application features an automatic fault clearing module, but it's nowhere specified how and where to configure that module. If you have the application installed on you PC, then access the built-in documentation. In case you can't find anything, then I recommend checking the following tutorial that I've found: http://fglongatt.org/OLD/Tutorial_DigSilent_EN.html

It has some sections and files that you can use to learn how to work with the application.

Question by Guest
June 2, 2014

When we want to see how change a parameter of network, such as bus voltage at the during time (from zero to four seconds of sample time like 0.001 sec), when a generator or a line exit, I tick value display result variables in the output window in start simulation at the top of icon in digsilent. then we can see the value of voltage for a during time in bottom of the page Digsilent.
How can I write this similar program in the DPL and send the results of voltage value into a text?

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